The CI Systems SR-5000N Spectroradiometer is an improved-performance instrument that measures the spectral signatures of objects from a variable distance of between a few meters to tens of kilometers and more.
The measurements can be done either spectrally, yielding radiance as a function of wavelength or radiometrically to obtain radiance as a function of time.
The improved performance comes with an upgraded, compact design and includes all the functionality of its highly successful predecessor.
The SR-5000N is the ideal spectroradiometer for research applications involving Remote Sensing, due to the wide spectral range coverage (from UV to LWIR), the high sensitivity of the cooled detectors used in the system, and the accuracy of the radiometric calibration based on CI Systems’ state-of-the-art blackbodies.
Users can control some of the SR5000N parameters (such as field of view, focus distance, measurement time and others), making work with the SR5000N and its user-friendly interface efficient and easy.

For more information
- Automatic self-calibration
- Real-time data analysis and display
- Rapid scan rates
- Integrated with an imaging system
- Spectral mode measurements (radiance vs. wavelength)
- Radiometric mode measurements (radiance vs. time)
Retains accuracy when measuring ambient-temperature objects
Monitoring and Measurement of:
• Atmospheric Transmission
• Temperature
• Emissivity
• Reflectivity
• Moisture Content
• Air Pollution
• Gas-burning Byproducts
• Combustion Processes
Development and Production of:
• Camouflage Materials
• Electro-Optical Countermeasures
• Electro-Optical Jammers
• Rocket Engines
• Jet Engines
• Electro-Optical Heat Seekers
• Electro-Optical Sensors
Calibration and Testing of:
• Imager Test Systems
• Electro-Optical Simulators
• Electro-Optical Radiation Sources
• Electro-Optical Jammers
• Materials
- Signal averaging for improved sensitivity
- Mathematical computation using spectral data
- Transient analysis of rapidly-occurring events
- 3D plots (radiance vs. time and wavelength)
- Spectral emissivity measurement
- Effective temperature measurement
- Countermeasures analysis
FOV Options
7 mrad (NFOV), 5 deg (MFOV), 10° (WFOV) and 20° (VWFOV)
Focusing Range:
Short-Range Focus: 1 – 2 meters
Mid-Range Focus: 1.5 – 4 meters
Long-Range Focus: 2.8 meters to infinity
1 meter to infinity for all other optics
Spectral Range:
0.2 to 14.3 μm[1]
Spectral Resolution:
< 3 nm in the 0.2-1.0 μm band
< 2% of wavelength in the 1.0-14.2 μm band
Spectral Scan Rate
Various scan rates of up to 50 spectra/sec
Aiming and Focus
Integrated CCD and LCD display
Noise Performance
Example: 5mK for an InSb detector at 5 μm, 100 °C blackbody, bandwidth normalized to 1 Hz
[1] Using multiple detectors and CVFs
- High sensitivity
- High accuracy
- Wide spectral band (from UV to LWIR)
- High reliability
- Modular
- Suitable for Laboratory of Field Use
Customers who have been using CI Systems' SR-5000 can now increase their measurement capability by getting the latest IR measurement technology with the newly designed SR- 5000N.
The SR-5000N incorporates a wide range of improvements based on the accumulation of experience at CI Systems on the needs of remote sensing measurements over a long period of time and exposure to its customers’ applications.
These improvements increase usage flexibility and make the work easier and more efficient. The additional features and improvements over the old model are given below. We believe, as a result, that the SR 5000N will be a great addition to the capabilities of your Remote Sensing laboratory
The differences between the SR 5000 and the SR 5000N are:
- Measurement speed
The measurement speed in radiometric mode (chopped) is increased by almost a factor of two from 30 to 50 spectral scans/second, while in the transient (unchopped) mode it is improved by a factor of five from 2x104 to 105samples/second.
- Field of view flatness
Uniformity of response as function of position of a point source within the field of view of the instrument is called “FOV flatness”. This parameter is significantly improved from about 11% deviation from constancy to a worst case of 5%,where the optics contribution is designed to be only 1%
- Simultaneous visible and IR spectral measurements of the same object
Until now it was not possible to measure an object’s spectrum in both visible and infrared ranges simultaneously because these two ranges could be covered only by physically replacing the CVF and the detector in the instrument. Today the SR 5000N has an added visible spectrometer optical channel complete with its own monochromator and detector, in parallel to the CVF IR optical channel.These two channels are pointed into the same direction and they measure the same object simultaneously in one fell swoop.
- Easier pointing on the object to be measured and background image recording
In the SR 5000 pointing the instrument field of view on the object to be measured is cumbersome because the user is presented with an upside down, somewhat washed out background image. In the SR 5000N pointing, focusing and image recording is implemented with a CCD boresighted with the measurement channel line of sight. The background image recorded by this digital camera is easily seen on a large display on the optical head’s back panel before (for pointing) and during the measurement (for later data analysis, measurement set-up recording, etc.).